Friday, July 29, 2011

2nd Annual Scrap Trap Rummage Sale

Since it went over so well last year, we are doing it again this year.  The sale will be Saturday, August 13th from 9am to 3pm.  If you have any papercrafting items that are just laying around in your stashes that you have no idea what you are going to use them for then this is the time to clean them out. 

Here's how it works.  You mark your items with a price and your initials.  Drop the items off at the store starting Monday, August 8th.  We will take care of putting everything out on tables and selling your items.  If you would like any of your unsold items back, you can pick them up on Monday, August 15th otherwise we will donate the items to various organizations that can use them.  You will not receive cash for your items sold but a gift certificate to the Scrap Trap to use on new items.  So it's a little of the out with the old and in with the new.  If you don't want to sell your items we will always be happy to see you come and shop!  Thanks for stopping by to read our blog.